Monday 7 September 2015

Sacred, disgusting and revolting are all in unison here...

I had to share this story, Ive come across it on one of the Russian sites, where people seem to be more immune to disturbing images.

The story is about the sacred river Ganges, in India and Bangladesh. This river is sacred to all Hindus to whom its personified as the Goddess Ganga. Hindus believe that bathing in the river brings remission of sins and facilitates Moksha (liberations from the cycle of life and death). Ashes of the loved ones are spread in the river to achieve Moksha.

The problem arrises when the deceased had no family, or the family is too poor to afford enough wood to make sure that the body burns completely. In fact, this river, although, sacred is one of the most polluted waterways on the planet. Dead bodies and raw human and animal waste are dumped in the river constantly. People bath, wash clothes and drink from the river, despite all the pollution.

WARNING, the images below may be disturbing to some, please proceed at your own risk.

Sunday 6 September 2015

Its boring as f*#k but here is why Australia is the best country in the world

I woke up this morning to the unbelievable breaking news on the front page of Sydney Morning Herald. I know its hard to believe, but Jarryd Hayne made the NFL. FML an aussie guy made the 53 men squad 49ers... Un-be-li-ev-ab-le, unbelievable. In fact, its so unbelievable that its made the headlines of a few national newspapers. Not just the top story, but top 3 stories. WOW